
Where Is A Safe Place To Invest My Money

retirement savings bubbles

Information technology seems I continue losing money in my retirement accounts these days. Is there a safe identify I can invest my savings so that at to the lowest degree information technology won't be affected by the stock market place? --L.W

Sure, there are enough of places you can put your retirement nest egg to protect it from a possible setback in the stock marketplace. You could motility it into cash equivalents such as a coin market fund, an FDIC-insured savings account or CDs. Some investors have even been flocking to golden lately as a refuge for uncertain times.

Just the question is should you?

Cash equivalents are very secure and stable, only they yield most nothing these days. And then you're paying for security by accepting very low rates of return that may make it difficult for you to build an adequate nest egg that can support yous in retirement.

And while gilded has shown that it can concur up well, or even thrive, when stocks run into trouble, it's not as if golden is a model of stability that rarely drops in value. On the reverse, gold tin can be fifty-fifty more volatile than stocks and is given to steep periodic losses, witness the fact that, after soaring to virtually $i,900 an ounce back in 2011 amid concerns well-nigh European debt levels, aureate has since declined to just over $1,200 an ounce, a slide of about 35%.

Fact is, while moving your retirement stash to 1 of the alternatives mentioned above may be "safe" in the sense that it can shield you from a market place downturn, it leaves y'all vulnerable to other risks. So in trying to protect yourself, you may actually be doing the opposite.

So what practice I recommend instead?

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Basically, I suggest you try to achieve a residual between the security yous seek from curt-term downdrafts in the stock market and the long-term returns y'all demand to achieve goals like accumulating enough savings to support you lot through what can be a long retirement. To my mind at least, the near sensible manner to do that is by investing your savings in a depression-cost mix of stocks and bonds that'south bourgeois enough to afford reasonable protection from market turmoil just aggressive plenty to generate the long-term returns you'll need to achieve your financial goals.

The appropriate mix of stocks and bonds tin can vary from person to person for whatever number of reasons, including age, the size of your nest egg, how much you lot have in the way of other resources to autumn back on and how you react to investment losses. Just the best way to start figuring out what blend of stocks and bonds makes sense for y'all is to get a sense of how much hazard y'all can comfortably take on, which you tin practice past completing a take a chance tolerance-asset allocation questionnaire similar the one Vanguard offers free online. You'll receive a suggested mix of stocks and bonds, every bit well as access to stats showing how that mix and others more conservative and aggressive have performed in both good and bad markets.

While those stats can exist helpful, I recommend y'all go a step farther and also gauge how the suggested portfolio would have performed in a severe bear market like the one that began in late 2007 and connected through early 2009, when stocks lost nearly 60% of their value and bonds gained almost 8%.

Such an practise tin give yous a improve feel for how you might react should y'all have to deal with a similar market meltdown. For example, a blend of 70% stocks and 30% bonds would take lost roughly 35% from the height of the last balderdash market to the trough of the acquit (assuming no rebalancing). If seeing the value of your savings turn down past that amount would have had you bailing out of stocks in a panic, and then you might want to rein in your allocation to stocks a chip.

Asset resource allotment: Prepare my mix

That said, you lot don't desire to lean so far toward security that you end upwardly with anemic returns that make it harder to achieve your goals. So when you recall you may have a stocks-bonds mix that'south correct for you, examination information technology again past plugging information technology into a skillful retirement income estimator. That should tell you whether your investing strategy, combined with how much you're saving (or spending, if you're already retired) will keep yous on track toward a secure retirement.

Once yous've arrived at a suitable portfolio, don't mess with information technology, except to rebalance periodically, do the occasional portfolio check-upwardly and possibly shift more toward bonds equally you near and enter retirement.

Going through the exercise I've described above won't completely insulate yous from stock market setbacks. But that's not the aim. Rather, the goal is to provide enough protection to allow y'all to ride out the inevitable stock market place slumps and then participate in the recoveries, which is a more than constructive strategy than trying to anticipate the market's ups and downs.

And so by all means keep some of your portfolio in greenbacks equivalents -- plenty to embrace at to the lowest degree three months' worth of expenses during your career and anywhere from i to iii years' worth of spending in retirement. But aside from such an emergency cushion or spending reserve, the rest of your savings should exist invested in a way that gives you the all-time shot at getting through periods of market place turmoil without sacrificing too much in long-term gains.

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