
How To Stop Wasting Money On Fast Food

Have you ever tried to stop spending money on fast food, but failed miserably?

If so, join the guild. The average American spends roughly $1200 a year on fast food lonely. That's a lot of money.

How to Stop Spending Money on Fast Food

Let'due south not act surprised by this fact though, everyone loves fast nutrient, myself included. Guilty or not, buying fast nutrient on a regular ground tin can exist very, very expensive.

While y'all might accept skilful intentions to stop spending money on fast food, your quest to do and then is often disrupted by billion dollar advertizing campaigns, user-friendly locations, low prices and of course delicious food.

Only hither'due south the skillful news, there are specific things you can do to fight these temptations and reduce your fast nutrient expenditures.

four Tips to Assistance You End Spending Coin on Fast Food

  1. Prep Your Meals on the Weekend

  2. Leave Your Wallet at Home

  3. Have an Alternate Route Abode

  4. Make it a Competition

If you do these iv things, or some combination of the 4, your fast food consumption should reduce dramatically and you'll be able to live a healthier lifestyle both financially and physically.

Prep Your Meals on the Weekend

If you plan to stop spending money on fast food, that'south dandy, but you'll need to eat something.

Once you lot're hungry, your money begins to mean less and less to you.

Think virtually the last fourth dimension y'all were starving and you came across a fast food restaurant, what was the last thing on your mind? Money.

Spending $ten-$xv for fast food is a no brainer at this point. But this can exist a fell, vicious  bicycle.

Prepping your meals for the week during the weekend is a slap-up manner to avoid this cycle.

How to Stop Spending Money on Fast Food

Weekdays tin exist tough, whether yous're a pupil or working full time, finding time each mean solar day to make food tin be hard.

And if you practise happen to have a complimentary hour or two each day, do y'all actually want to spend that time making food? Probably not. Not me anyway.

By prepping your meals on the weekend, y'all can ensure that you'll be well fed throughout the week, and your urge to make a quick left at the lights for that Wendy's Baconator repast won't be nigh as strong.

Exit Your Wallet at Home

If you don't accept any coin on yous, you can't purchase fast food. Heck you can't buy anything.

Easy enough, right? Okay maybe not.

How to Stop Spending Money on Fast Food

Allow'due south confront information technology. Yous tin can't get out your wallet at home all the fourth dimension, or even most of the fourth dimension for that matter.  Things come upward and you lot'll unremarkably need money on a daily footing.

Not only that, just if you're driving a car, yous'll need your driver's license on you.

You don't want to exist that classic person that when it comes to pay says " I don't have any money", only simply put – not all situations in life crave yous to exist carrying money effectually.

Going to visit your grandparents? Exit it. Going for a neighbourhood walk? Exit it. Going for a bulldoze with a friend? Go out IT. These are merely a few examples, patently in that location are more, but you get the point.

By not having your wallet with you lot, the temptation to spend coin on fast food becomes irrelevant because you physically can't buy anything.

Similar to the times you want to check your phone only you left it at home. I don't care how bad your temptation is, until you get your telephone, you lot're not checking information technology! It's impossible, so you may equally well forget about it.

Now you're probably thinking,  what's stopping me from going dwelling house to go my wallet? Well, nix really. Only hopefully your cravings have subsided past the time you go home and you lot decide to eat one of your deliciously prepped meals instead.

Take an Alternate Route Abode

Have you ever heard of the expression out of sight out of mind? Well that expression couldn't exist more true when it comes to avoiding fast nutrient.

Physically fugitive fast food restaurants is a great way to stop spending money at these places.

You lot might retrieve this is stupid, but it SERIOUSLY works.

I'm telling you right now, if you lot can avoid smelling those delicious Macdonald's chips on your way dwelling from schoolhouse or work, you won't exist nigh as tempted to indulge in them.

Think nigh it, how many times have yous had no intention of eating fast food until y'all saw those big Golden Arches looming up over the trees in the altitude. Personally, it happens to me all the time.  I am driving along minding my own business concern and so smash, I see that large K and all the sudden I am starving. Yep, that's marketing for you.

How to Stop Spending Money on Fast Food

If you really love fast food, you'll probably go out of your way to consume it on occasion, but oftentimes you don't know you desire information technology until it'southward staring straight at you. So try your all-time to avoid these trigger points!

With that said, don't be unrealistic almost it, don't get half an hour out of your way just to avoid spending money on fast food. Gas own't free either!

Make it a Competition

Some other great dandy way to stop spending money on fast food is to enter into a fiddling friendly competition with someone you lot know – such as a friend or family fellow member.

For example – Make a bet with your sis that the adjacent person to eat fast nutrient owes the other person $l. If you're competitive like me, you'd be surprised how well this works! Heck, I'll become without eating in general before I lose to one of my siblings!

Unfortunately, unless you're physically attached at the hip, you won't know for sure if the other person has eaten fast nutrient and cheated or not, so y'all'll take to get on the award organization. Simply like any grade of cheating, you're just cheating yourself, so what's the point?

Quick Note # 1 – Make sure the loser'southward consequences are big enough that they'll really retrieve twice near throwing back a few value meals but not large enough where a moment of weakness drastically impacts their life. "Side by side person to spend money on fast food loses their left thumb". Wait what!!

Another manner to go about this is to compete confronting time.

For instance, you and a friend could try and not spend any coin on fast food for 6 months.

Setting specific goals and writing them downward drastically increase your chances of achieving them.

In fact, your chances for success might actually increase by competing with someone as opposed to against them.

How to Stop Spending Money on Fast Food

Not only does having a clear, concise goal (no fast nutrient for vi months) help your chances, but you're also working with a "team" which makes y'all more accountable for your actions.

You don't want to disappoint your friend and spend money on fast nutrient before the 6 months is up exercise you lot?! It'd exist like missing a last second buzzer beater in basketball game, you had 1 job!!

I digress. You get my point here I'm sure.

Setting goals or having friendly competitions against your friends is fun and gets the competitive juices flowing. Side by side thing you know you won't even want fast food equally all you can call up about is spending less money on fast food than your partner.

six years after, and you'll both still be cheating!


If you want to stop spending money on fast food, you need willpower and field of study. Still, despite your all-time efforts, the savoury gustatory modality of fast nutrient can sometimes be too much to over power. and this is why I decided to share with you these 4 tips with you lot.

You see, the things that we love well-nigh fast food are besides the things that make it bad. It'due south quick to order, tasty to eat, and cheap to purchase.

Occasionally spending money on fast food isn't going to interruption your bank. Simply similar any small buy, if you lot make them over and over again, they begin to add together up.

If you lot're like me, and yous enjoy fast food, these tips won't completely eliminate fast food from your budget,  but they should help reduce your overall fast food expenditure…. and your waistline for that matter! Merely who's measuring?

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