
How Can I Convince My Buddhist Friend He Owes Me Money

If your ex owes you money but is ignoring you or pretending not to owe you anything, your ex currently doesn't want to pay off his debts. He feels that y'all hurt him unjustly and believes that returning your money would be unfair to him for everything he went through.

The best style to handle an ex similar this is to stop request him to pay you dorsum. Every time you tell him to cough up the dough, y'all show him you're picking a fight with him—which only makes him angrier and even more unwilling to pay.

And then unless you can peacefully talk over this sensitive matter on the day of the breakdown or presently after, I strongly dissuade y'all from asking your ex to pay you back. Asking him is most probable going to brand him experience disrespected and trigger his self-defensive machinery that would cause a serious statement.

It's much safer not to make your ex recollect that that you're trying to control the situation and punish him for dumping you. Talking to him almost information technology would likely bring a bad reaction out of your ex. So don't do. Don't tell your ex what he must or mustn't exercise. You're no longer together, which is why your assertiveness won't piece of work.

It will probably just make things worse.

How you should deal with an ex who owes yous coin, personal belongings, or expensive things you bought throughout the relationship depends on how mature, ethical, and receptive your ex-partner is. For instance, if he isn't mature, doesn't care about moral principles, and appears to feel angry, smothered, and victimized, you obviously shouldn't inquire him to pay y'all back.

Forcing him to do something he doesn't want to practice could cause your ex to impulsively react to the pressure and say or do something to injure yous. Your ex could ignore you, cake yous, tell you he owes you nothing, say it was a gift, or make up an excuse that he doesn't owe you anything because he put up with your beliefs for so long.

There's no telling how your ex-partner volition react if you asking, beg, or demand your money back. But if he was the kind of person who lacked control over his emotions during and after the human relationship, you probably already have a good thought of what to expect.

You can expect your ex to put upwardly a fight and hurt you. Especially if y'all appear forceful, anxious, and show him y'all desire him to act in a certain style.

Request for money from people who owe it to yous is never easy. It'south hard to talk to a friend who owes you money, let alone an ex who dumped yous and thinks he deserves better.

Imagine how you'd feel if y'all owed money to the bank and debt collectors chosen you lot, possibly even threatened you to pay them back. You'd probably be furious with them for pressuring you into paying back.

With your ex, the story is very similar. If your ex is the dumper, your ex is in charge of everything, including your emotions. He lost respect for yous and likely won't pay you dorsum if you requite him the impression that you're commanding him to pay.

Your ex will probably resist your display of power and say no fifty-fifty if your ex knows that he owes yous money.

So before you pick upwards your phone and instruct your ex to practise something he doesn't want to do, endeavor to calm down first. Accept a few deep breaths and try to think rationally. Once you've done that, enquire yourself how is asking your ex-partner to pay you back when he already knows he owes you money going to piece of work in your favor.

Is information technology somehow going to make your ex excited nearly repaying y'all?

From what I usually run into, when dumpers go backed into a corner, they usually feel aggravated because they don't like talking about matters from the by. In their heads, they're washed with the relationship (and the obligations that come with it) and feel that their ex is in debt to them for beingness so kind and patient with their ex for so long.

They are in a position of power and wish to determine for themselves near what they're going to do. They don't want their ex to get involved and tell them what they owe and what they should practise. That's not how they envisioned their post-breakup life to unfold. They expected their ex to leave them alone so they could move on fast.

In this postal service, we'll talk about what to do when your ex owes you lot money. Nosotros'll talk about 4 different scenarios and share some tips on how to maximize the chances of getting your money back from your ex.

My ex owes me money

My ex owes me money. What do I do?

There are three ways you tin can get your money back from an ex who'due south refusing to pay you back. You can get it dorsum the piece of cake way by waiting for your ex to pay you of his or her own accord, the prompting style by asking your ex'due south friends or family unit to urge your ex to pay, or by suing your ex.

I recommend that y'all first try to get your money dorsum the nice way – by calmly discussing it during the breakup or past waiting for your ex to pay you back when he or she has calmed down and feels ready. Remember that if your ex wants to pay you dorsum that he or she will do that on his or her own very soon. Your ex won't just hold on to your money when he or she feels bad for owing you money.

However, if your ex doesn't think that he or she owes you anything or knows that he or she does but doesn't care, then you can involve other people in this matter. You can kindly ask your ex's close friends (preferably mutual friends) and family members to talk to your ex near information technology.

If your ex is a decent person and wants to maintain a skilful motion-picture show for his or her loved ones, your ex will go embarrassed or ashamed and pay you lot back fast. Your ex will intendance about himself or herself too much to await bad in forepart of the people who thing to him/her.

But if your ex doesn't care most what other people call back of him or her, then your ex probably won't pay you dorsum regardless of your efforts and what others remember of him or her. Conversely, your ex might even become angry at yous for telling others almost it.

Furthermore, if the previous ii methods don't work, then you also take the option to take your ex to court. Preferably, you lot don't want to get downward this road as it tin can accept a long time, price a lot of money, and leave you emotionally exhausted.

I retrieve you should consider suing your ex only if your ex owes y'all a lot of money or money that you need very badly.

And lastly, if your ex owes y'all just a little scrap of coin, you lot tin can always only permit it become. You can let your ex get away with information technology and finally cut all ties with your ex. Zip is a bigger waste matter of time than fighting with an ex who isn't worth your time and care.

Below, you volition notice a few things to do if your ex owes yous coin.

How to get money back from an ex partner

If you're not sure whether yous should even bother asking your ex to pay you back, I think information technology's fair to ask your ex to pay you back for the following things:

  • Gifts you bought for him/her just before the breakdown (telephone, computer, cooking stove, aeroplane tickets… Such things can be considered as unused or barely used gifts. They also aren't selfless gifts. They're gifts you gave to your ex with the intention to stay in a relationship with him or her. If your ex dumped you days after receiving expensive gifts, your ex should pay you back for those gifts. It's the right thing to practise.
  • Bills, recent vacation expenses, medical procedures, and various financial responsibilities such every bit loans, mortgage, children, taxes, divorce costs.
  • A lot of coin or money you need for yourself, your kids, or others. Your ex should know the difference between receiving and borrowing coin. (For future reference, whenever yous're thinking of lending money to someone you intendance well-nigh, make sure to talk over the terms and weather condition before you mitt over the money).

Allow's now talk about what you should practice about specific circumstances in more detail.

My ex owes me coin and is ignoring me

If your ex is ignoring you on purpose because you lot're asking for money dorsum, you lot need to empathise that your ex has no respect for you anymore. He or she feels threatened and pressured and will likely continue to experience that way for as long every bit y'all keep reaching out.

That's why y'all don't have a choice but to stop all advice with your ex. He or she is not willing to listen to you and pay yous dorsum, so give it a week or ii to calm downwards and choose a different arroyo.

Contact someone who knows your ex very well and ask that person to convince your ex to do the right thing. Make sure the person you transport after your ex knows how much you demand the money so that he or she will reason with your ex.

If possible, go that person to collect the money for yous and then that you don't demand to come across upward with your ex. Seeing your ex in person could reopen your wounds.

The reason why this method works so well is that it encourages the dumper to do the right thing. It basically puts his or her reputation on the line and forces him or her to protect his or her prototype. All in all, the success of this method really depends on how caring and virtuous your ex and your ex's family and friends are.

If they care nearly you, they will probably advise your ex to pay you back. But if they don't care about the principles of right and wrong and maybe even side with your ex, then y'all tin forget about getting your money back with their assistance. They won't exist of any use to you because they'll think your ex is entitled to the greenbacks.

My ex owes me a lot of coin merely is pretending he/she doesn't

When your ex owes you a lot of money and pretends not to know what you're talking about, you're dealing with an uncaring ex who stopped appreciating your financial support and thinks he/she needn't pay you back. Such an ex is going to look for reasons not to pay you dorsum and possibly fifty-fifty claim that you owe him/her for his or her gifts, kindness, or services.

In this detail case, getting your coin back the squeamish mode probably isn't going to work. You're going to have to choose a different strategy. One that involves other people.

You tin can first endeavour talking to your ex's friends and family and run into if they can reason with your ex.

If that works, yous'll get your coin back. And if it doesn't, y'all tin always take your ex to courtroom. Consider that your last resort though.

What if my ex owes me simply a bit of money but is refusing to pay me back?

In my stance, if your ex owes you about a week'south worth of coin, it's probably non worth fighting your ex over it. The time, money, and emotions you'll burn down on a person who isn't a part of your life anymore but aren't worth the trouble.

Sometimes it's amend to cutting your financial losses and consider the emotional benefits you will get from staying out of contact with your ex. You'll exist able to heal and move on from your ex, whereas fighting your ex will force yous to keep thinking well-nigh your ex and mulling over the injustice that was done to you.

Bear in mind that it'due south perfectly normal to feel aroused with your ex. I felt angry when my ex owed me money too.

Merely I realized that she wasn't going to pay me dorsum the nice manner and that pestering her about it or suing her wasn't worth my time. I knew I could always work harder and make more coin and that the amount she owed me simply wasn't worth the emotional turmoil that extorting money from her would have cost me.

That'south why I just said to myself, "If that'south what you retrieve and how you want to act, then so exist it." I'll think this and utilise it to motion on quicker."

The thing that makes it difficult for the states to move on when our dumper ex owes us money is that our ex controls how we feel. Our ex is in charge of everything, including our healing—and that'southward what we don't similar. Our ex has as well much power over us and we don't want information technology to work that style.

We want things to be fair.

I wanted my ex to be fair at first too. I was in a lot of pain. Merely after some serious consideration, I detached from her and changed my heed about the coin. I decided that she could go on the money and my personal belongings. There was no betoken in trying to talk to her because she had convinced herself that we were even.

Of form, not all dumpers think the way my ex did. Only if your ex doesn't desire to pay you back for a few dinner dates, it might be for the all-time to just permit it go. I did too and I'd exercise it once again but to avoid arguing with her.

Does your ex owe you money? Is information technology a lot of coin? Let me know if your ex owes you annihilation by posting a annotate below.

And also, if you'd like to talk to me directly or via e-mail or phone, click here to learn how.


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